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The creation statement of this documentary started from an question "If Yilan was a person , What do you think his or her personality would be ? "

Crossed a half of the globe, Andoni and his pals travelled from Basque country to Yilan to share Basque culinary culture and place identity in a forum.

Before the journey, Yilan might be merely an unknown spot on the map for them. However, while they stepped on the earth of Yilan,

followed the local guild to harvest tea in the hillside, visited traditional morning market, and tasted signature local dishes,

what impressed them the most was not the cultural differences,

but a group of young entrepreneurs who devote themselves to the land and fight for their dreams.


Produced by Playilan & CultureLab Richard Hsu \ Sense9 Studio Min Yeh 

Directed & Edited by MoMo Tseng Hsing Ying

Cinematography   Charge Chen & MoMo , Tseng Hsing Ying

Lighting  Charge Chen 陳喬吉 & 林語農

Sound mixer  by Jessie Cho卓孟潔 Edited by MoMo , Tseng Hsing Ying

Key Visual \ Movie Poster Design 電影平面形象主視覺設計 九境設計 Sense9 Studio 葉容之 Min Yeh 


Award Record


Invited by Slow Filme Festival de Cinema


Gaia International Film Festival - Stories of Lands and Food

Invited by Asain Film Festival

Official Selection 
7th Siding Festival of Film 
Foca Film Days 
International Tourism Film Festival "Tourfilm Riga"  
Asia Destination Film Awards 
Rural Affinity Film Festival Andalucia RAFFA  
ANDARAS - Traveling Film Festival 
Alvsbyn Film Festival  
International Tourism Film Festival - Africa 2021  
Honorable Mention in 
Huntington Beach Cultural Cinema Showcase


Won the Grand prize in 

Honorable Mention in 
New Generation Film Festival NGFF


宜蘭在遠方Yilan,a Taste of Home 獲得國際影展最優秀作品賞。最優秀作品賞 グランプリ「持続可能な観光」をテーマにした最高の映画


在東洋大学國際観光短編映画祭 Toyo University Tourism Short Film Festival 中,『宜蘭在遠方』,透過影片主題與導演手法的呈現,從全世界115個國家、2675件電影作品當中脫穎而出獲得評審團最高分,得到最高榮譽的最優秀作品賞。

In 2018, culinary experts and acclaimed chefs from the Basque region of Spain came to Yilan, Taiwan. They interacted with residents and returning youth for a journey full of surprises and discovery. Their story became the movie “Yilan, a Taste of Home”.



這段旅程,成為了電影「宜蘭在遠方Yilan, a Taste of Home」

2020年底,電影「 宜蘭在遠方」在115個國家、2675部電影當中,脫穎而出成為「日本東洋大學觀光短片影展」的最優秀作品賞,亦獲得歐洲賽爾維亞新世代影展的榮譽優選獎。縱然病毒使人止步,但電影卻能飛翔海外。「宜蘭在遠方」打破疫情的疆界,目前仍在世界各國的影展當中競賽,將台灣的人文特色、文化多元視角,透過電影銀幕走進國際舞台。


本片由曾入圍台灣金鐘獎迷你劇集最佳導演獎的新銳導演 - 曾馨瑩MoMo執導。曾馨瑩導演透過其掌鏡手法,使觀眾體驗角色在心境上的轉變,細膩地敘述事件、人物與氛圍並藉由剪接與配樂而產生出的電影感,是甫獲影展評審得獎的評語之一。


電影「宜蘭在遠方Yilan, a Taste of Home」故事描述著西班牙巴斯克飲食文化專家與主廚一行人在宜蘭之旅當中經驗過在地風土樣貌、飲食文化意涵、街頭巷尾人情小事,並與返鄉青年對話之後,啟發了他們對於放下自我的生命觸動、討論起國家與家鄉的定位,更對於近年台灣的青年返鄉現象表示不可思議,這在他們的國家是件難以辦到的事情。國際影展的評審更認為這部電影述說著一段形塑自我的旅程。

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